Monday, September 23, 2013

Wyoming Department of Insurance Affordable Care Act Community Presentation

What Does the ACA Mean to Employers and Individuals in Wyoming?

The Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce is pleased to present the Affordable Care Act Community Presentation featuring Wyoming Insurance Commissioner Tom Hirsig from 6:00-7:30pm on Wednesday, October 9 at the Teton County Library Auditorium.

Employers and individuals will benefit from attending the Affordable Care Act Community Presentation.  Topics covered will include the insurance reforms already in place, 2014 market reforms, the federally facilitated marketplace, Affordable Care Act mandates, individual plans, and what the Affordable Care Act means to small and large employers.

  • Introductions: BlueCross BlueShield of Wyoming District Manager Dan Meyers
  • Opening Remarks: Blue Cross Blue Shield representative Lee Shannon and Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce CEO Jeff Golightly
  • Featured Presentation: Wyoming Insurance Commissioner Tom Hirsig on Healthcare Reform Explained
  • Conclusion and Update from St. John’s Medical Center: St. John’s Medical Center CEO Lou Hochheiser, M.D.
  • Question & Answer
Many employers and individuals have questions about the Affordable Care Act: “Will my rates go up? What is a Marketplace? What are the ten essential health benefits and what does it mean for my current plan?” Did you know that small employers will not be subject to a penalty for not offering health insurance to employees and that large employers will pay a penalty for not providing health insurance if at least one employee receives a tax credit from the Marketplace? Attend the presentation to learn more.

RSVPs are requested but not required. Email For more information, please contact Kate Foster, Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce Communications Manager, 307.201.2304 or

All employers are required to provide a notice to every employee by Tuesday, October 1 regardless of the size of the business and whether or not they offer health insurance. Please see links to model notices below. Thanks to Representative Ruth Ann Petroff for sharing the following resources from the Department of Labor,
Notice to Employees of Coverage Options

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